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The KING of splatter paint! I think 5th graders can individualize it a bit more by adding their portrait to it. Check out this neat way of displaying a Polluck inspired painting! You may have to go home and past their picture in later so that's some prep time, but how neat would this be on display? I would probably do a splatter station and have groups splatter and the other portion of the class work on on their drawing of the window and floor. You may want to have a helper take pics of the students for you while you supervise the splatter area. Then as long as students label their splatter paper you can assemble everything after it dries to match their drawing and photo , so there is some prep time before and after this one, or you can see if the teacher is willing or able to extend this into a 2 day project and you can do one portion and come back to do the second half.

O'KEEFE was known for these beautiful flower images that seems as though the flowers are coming right off the page! Paint beautiful flowers like O'keefe and put them on contrasting colors to get the same effect!

Wyeth is the perfect opportunity to give a lesson on realism by having the students pick objects or something to draw in 3 DIFFERENT ways! CARTOONISH/REALISM/AND ABSTRACT! It makes for a very neat piece of art and they can pick anything! I would instruct the students to first draw the image and then fold the paper in three afterwards to get the perfect lines and porportions

David was master of neoclassical art, which Roman and Greece is mostly mostly portrayed in. Let's make Mosaics much like the Romans! This is a craft that I believe 5th graders are fully capable of doing with little prep to guide them, and they can get really creative and create whatever they want! Follow the link below for further instructions.
Homer allows you to adventure UNDER THE SEA as most of his prints were of marine life. This is a great jelly fish project but it uses wet glue to create the look lines and things so you may want to do the first half of the project before lunch and come back after lunch? or split it into two days, ask your teacher what they prefer. If you look up marine life or ocean inspired crafts for kids you will find SO MANY IDEAS! but this one was my favorite. Below are further instructions.


Seurat is ON POINT!!! (sorry i had to!) Pointilism is the art of using dots! Break out the q-tips and paint or even just markers will do the trick!! you can get as creative as you want with this project!


Known for his bright colors, use of mixed media and the ability to depict people with unordinary shapes I feel a self portrait is just the ticket for this one!
Check out this cardboard self portraits!
You will need:
newspaper/magazines (ask students to bring some in!)
you can also ask students bring in things that they would personally like to add to their self portrait!
Step one is to have the students place newspaper clippings and glue all over their cardboard til it's completely covered you can even do this part AHEAD of time so you don't have to wait for that liquid glue to dry , IF you do that please ask for a helper to help you, doing this so many times can be a lot and I can envision my kitchen full of cardboard pieces everywhere haha.
Step two. Wer'e going to use black paint to do the outlines for our portrait , get that down first. Tempura poster paint is going to work great for this as it dries pretty fast. Instruct the students to keep the lines thin , not blotchy and you should be ready for the next step!
Step three: work on the back ground pattern , colors or words etc... you can choose to do water color for the inside of the face, or water down the paint, but instruct the students to get colorful for the inside of their face!
Step 4 : instruct the students to go back over their black lines of their portrait to keep it nice and bold
Step 5: DECORATE!! i just love the words affirmation, feathers, and how each of these looks so different, tell them to express themselves ! I would have them choose one word to describe themselves for the top! And if they have trouble picking one ask them to ask a friend to pick a word for them!
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